More on ESG

We are cognisant of the increasing need to quantify our impact and have enhanced our focus on disclosure and delivering greater levels of meaningful ESG data, this process will continue to be improved over time. Further detail on the components of our sustainability strategy can be found here.



We strive to use natural resources as efficiently as possible while we carefully manage our direct operational footprint, and aim to provide our tenants with energy and water security. We believe in creating financial and social value in a sustainable way that ensures a low-carbon inclusive world. 

We are committed to


Advocating climate action within our business and alongside our tenants. Engaging with the communities in which we operate, and reducing our carbon footprint.


Collecting appropriate data that enables us to set defined, actionable and always science-based goals and targets, and seeking to measure performance against these going forward.


Incorporating data-driven considerations regarding climate change and environmental sustainability in our decision-making process, to help guide us.


Allocating capital in a way that is not environmentally destructive or carbon intensive. Where possible, investing in the rollout of return-generating renewable energy.

Environmental Policy

Our Environmental Policy and Climate Change Statement considers the challenges to the global economy. We recognise the complexity and urgency of climate change and are committed to the transition to a cleaner, low-carbon world.

View statement


Our communities

Our communities

Our properties are embedded in communities. We recognise that inclusive economic growth is vital in supporting the Fund's sustainability and delivering value for all our stakeholders.

The Group operates a number of initiatives that support small and growing businesses, and disadvantaged communities. More information can be found in our 2024 Integrated Annual Report.


We recognise that sound corporate governance is essential in creating value as well as protecting against value erosion.

Together, the Board and its committees are responsible for assessing and managing risk and ensuring that appropriate risk management policies and procedures are in place. Operating in terms of a formal Board Charter, the Board’s primary objective is to secure the Fund’s long-term sustainability, growth and profitability.

Key corporate governance practices


At least one-third of non executive directors offer themselves for re-election at each Annual General meeting

We have a unitary board with a balance of independent and non-independent directors

Strong lead independent director

Directors are entitled to seek independent professional advice

The board

Annual review of Board leadership structure 

Annual Board and committee evaluations 

Risk management

Succession planning in place

Risk management through an Enterprise Risk Management Framework

Related-party transactions monitored and transparently disclosed

Combined assurance approach


MOI includes provisions on the protection of shareholder rights and the equitable treatment of shareholders

Proactive stakeholder engagement

Shareholder right to call special meetings

Governance report

Governance report

Please see our 2024 Integrated Annual Report for more information on our governance practices.

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